Derek Bruce

It would have been great if 1 - the company has advised before the appointment that there would be up to 3 other couples on site at the same time 2 - we were advised there was limited availability for viewings - we decided against moving forward with the property as my wife would not have had a chance to see the property 3 - if the representative from your company was aware of the price of the parking permit and the potential costs of the lease which expires in less than 20 years. These are not unreasonable expectations of a real estate agent. Overall I was very disappointed by the experience with your company.
Wat vond u in het algemeen van de kwaliteit van de rondleiding?


Heeft de makelaar kennis van zaken?


Was de makelaar op tijd?


Wat vindt u van de presentatie van de woning (brochure, internet)


Was het eenvoudig om een afspraak te maken om het huis te bezichtigen?


Wat vindt u van de dienstverlening van Kuijs Reinder Kakes zover u deze kunt beoordelen?


Welke makelaar is u van dienst geweest?
